Friday, May 16, 2014

Quilled Root Vegetables: Beet, Ginger, and Carrots

Here's the second edition to the Root Vegetables I have previously made....

Hope y'all like it (^oo^)

Refi@Productive Pig

Monday, May 12, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Quilled Name / Word "HOPE" - shades of pink

The process of completing the name/ word "HOPE"...

The finished product...

life has many choices...choose HOPE!

This is for those who participate in the The Susan G. Komen 25th Annual Race event (May 10) - Washington, DC. #KomenGlobalRace

Give HOPE this Mother's Day (May 11) - Give your mom the perfect Mother's Day and Happy Mother's Day to all of the supermoms out there!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Quilling

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial is located on the south bank of the Tidal Basin near downtown Washington, D.C. The serene classical Thomas Jefferson Memorial National Memorial honors the third president’s ideals of beauty, science, learning, culture, and liberty.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinco De Mayo

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!! This piñata donkey is made from strips of quilling paper cut into even smaller strips. Hope you all enjoy this funny donkey (^oo^)